среда, 16 марта 2016 г.

Did you ever wonder where the name “Lady’s Rocks” comes

Did you ever wonder where the name “Lady’s Rocks” comes from?

ArtTour Romania добавил(-а) 2 новых фото . 14 ч

Did you ever wonder where the name “Lady’s Rocks” comes from?
“Lady’s Rocks” have a connection with Elena, Petru Rares’ lady, as well as the name of the Rarau M…ountains comes from Moldavia’s ruler, Petru Rares.

The legend says that in the troubled times of history, during Petru Rares 2nd reign, he found a great place to provide shelter for his family and a part of his fortune. The place he chose was inside the mountains! And during the Tartar invasion, Lady Elena and her son Stefanita escaped in a favorable cave and while they were praying, they heard a strong noise.

The noise came from the big rocks which detached and fell over the place where the ruler’s fortune was kept, burying the attackers. Lady Elena affirmed: “this is the payment for our salvation”. Ever since, the rocks have received the famous name of “Lady’s Rocks”, and the fortune is still today well hidden under the giant rocks.
Writter: ArtTour Romania
Translator: Elena Tatarici
Photographer: Iliu Nicolae

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